Tuesday, February 21, 2012

We laughed and said it looks like Lily is praying in that picture, with those little hands together. I guess all of our prayers are being answered because she sure is doing great!! She's so fun to hold. She makes the cutest faces, even when she's asleep. She looks like she's laughing sometimes, she'll smile, look like she's going to cry, and makes noises that sound like she's having a bad dream. It's so fun to watch her expressions. She's not awake a whole lot. Sometimes she doesn't even stay awake through her entire bottle!! She has beautiful dark blue eyes and lots of dark hair!!


Anonymous said...

It does look like she is praying. Glad things are going well. Nice to see Becky & Jason holding their daughter.


Sonya said...

These are the sweetest pictures yet!! I agree..she does look like shes praying! Shes beautiful..I love the pointy hat!!

Susan Udy said...

It is so nice to have the kind of technology that we have. Especially with such a special little one needing so much care. Glad to know she is doing so well. Thanks for sharing with us. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

She is so adorable. So glad she is doing so well and that you get to hold her and feed her. Love to you all, Aunt Sherry